EDIT:BTW, my other account got hacked before so I therefore lost it.
Archived: Getting close.....
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Getting close.....
10/16/09 10:26 am | #1
I am getting so close to where I was on my last account! My last account I had around 15,000 G. I got that amount in about 7 months. This account only took me around 2-3 months. I am sitting at 1,200 G right now. I am hoping to break it within a month's time, wish me luck!
EDIT:BTW, my other account got hacked before so I therefore lost it.
EDIT:BTW, my other account got hacked before so I therefore lost it.
Re: Getting close.....
10/18/09 3:53 am | #3
uh... how did you guys get your accounts hacked?

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