Unattributed Quote:
for levels 1-12 the experience can be calculated as such:
take the amount of experience at the end of the level and subtract the amount of experience at the beginning of the level. Then multiply this number by by 10%(.1) then add this number to the previous number to get the amount needed for the next level.
e.g. for level 2 to 3. the beginning of level 2 is 1000 points and the end of level 2 is 2100 points(as validated by this chart and members of the forums) so:
2100-1000=1100*.1=110+1100=1210(amount till next level)
this means that in order to reach level 4, since we know what the beginning of level 3 but not the end(aka lvl 4), you would need 3310 points(2100+1210)
However, this trend stops at lvl 12 and instead of multiplying by 10% you multiply by 9%(.09)(don't know why, that's just the trend)
Again, the trend changed at lvl 22 and you would now multiply by 8%(.08) instead of 9%(.09)
I can only assume that this trend continues for all 100 lvls and the percentages change as such:
32=> down to 7%
42=>down to 6%
52=>down to 5%
62=>down to 4%
72=>down to 3%
82=>down to 2%
92=>down to 1%