Archived: GH5 Problem
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: GH5 Problem
09/07/09 2:39 am | #3
So when does Guitar Hero 16 come out? Next Tuesday?
Re: GH5 Problem
09/07/09 5:48 am | #5
it sounds like you have a controller problem not a disc problem. i had this same problem with the gh:wt guitar. i bought the game and the wireless guitar and i found it to overstrum at random spots. i eventually got soo mad at the guitar that i smacked it across my headboard and broke it. then a few days later i bought a wired guitar off of one of my friend and i have not had one problem with oversrtumming. so if you bought the gh:5 game and guitar and the guitar is wireless, it might just be the guitar not the game.
Re: Re: GH5 Problem
09/07/09 9:41 am | #6
Quote by Dr Peeper:
yeah not a big fan of the guitar hero series. this is the exact stuff that drives me insane. i just want to play the game. i cant ever get the achievement for having a streak the whole time because i cant ever keep it with it randomly resetting. boo activision.
My guitar has done that "overstrumming" thing a few times I think. It doesn't happen as often to me, but it cuts out in the middle of sustained notes and chords.

If you are that worried about the 1001 note streak, there is a way around it with the drums and the Auto-Kick. Search FlamedLiquid in the GHTunes and download "Customsong2", put the Auto-Kick cheat in and play the song with the drums

Re: GH5 Problem
09/07/09 9:53 am | #7
What kind of guitar are you using? Wireless or cord?
Re: GH5 Problem
09/07/09 11:42 am | #8
this is a controller problem like everyone else said. i had the same thing happen to me a lot and then i realized my up strum was broken so i got a new guitar and BAM all better.
also for the streak u could do the public enemy song on vocals expert and put ur mic in front of a fan. u cant fail
also for the streak u could do the public enemy song on vocals expert and put ur mic in front of a fan. u cant fail
Re: GH5 Problem
09/07/09 12:03 pm | #9
Yep, like everyone else said this is a controller problem. Just buy a Les Paul (GH3 guitar). It's really good and doesn't break or mess up like all the new guitars do. I've had my Les Paul for about a year and it still works like new.
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