Thank you everyone for contributions and dedication to Xbox America. Let's go for another 50,000 more.
Archived: Fifty Thousand Posts
Posted Under: Site News & Updates
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Fifty Thousand Posts
06/25/08 10:36 pm | #1
Sometime in the early evening today, Xbox America members posted their 50,000th post. This is a pretty large milestone for a forum.
Thank you everyone for contributions and dedication to Xbox America. Let's go for another 50,000 more.
Thank you everyone for contributions and dedication to Xbox America. Let's go for another 50,000 more.
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/25/08 10:52 pm | #2
Who exactly posted the 50,000th post??? Betcha it was me, I know I know no clapping just throw money!! Who ever did it should get a little badge or something.
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/25/08 11:01 pm | #3
great job guys!
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/25/08 11:02 pm | #4
Cool....but like Mayo I'm curious to know who it was! I know who have the best odds of it being but still would be cool to know
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/25/08 11:14 pm | #5
Some random k1d posted the 50,000th post at 5:34 pm EST.
Link to the 50,000th post.
Link to the 50,000th post.
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/26/08 12:23 am | #6
lol! What a stupid post!!! lol
Looks like Zoboa and I were on the bubble!
Congrats all you post waffles out there!!
Looks like Zoboa and I were on the bubble!
Congrats all you post waffles out there!!
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/26/08 12:47 am | #7
who made the 49,999th and 50,001st posts???
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/26/08 12:59 am | #8
Awesome. Cheers XBA.
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/26/08 1:29 am | #10
Awesome, let's keep it going.
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/26/08 2:20 am | #11
dammit i thought it was me well at least I'm still the top poster (if you don't count the staff)
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/26/08 2:26 am | #12
dammit i thought it was me well at least I'm still the top poster (if you don't count the staff)
On the contrary Crooklyn, Raine AND one5hot have passed you!
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/26/08 2:30 am | #13
yes but not for long my friend, not for long i love to compete ask Gibso.......umm the guy formerly known as gibsonboobie
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/26/08 9:43 am | #14
yes but not for long my friend, not for long i love to compete ask Gibso.......umm the guy formerly known as gibsonboobie
Hey Mayo, Whats up man. You better do like 200 posts a day if you want to catch those two. Better keep an eye on the KiDD as well.
The Trio is everywhere!!!
Re: Fifty Thousand Posts
06/26/08 11:02 am | #15
Why does my name keep getting thrown around this site like a cheap waffle at a stag party? Come on guys I can't be THAT bad of a person
*sniff sniff*
Crooks...where the fellz have you been at man? LoL...Haven't seen you since I joined this

Crooks...where the fellz have you been at man? LoL...Haven't seen you since I joined this
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