"I am happy to announce that the latest dashboard update has now been officially released and is in process of being rolled out across the LIVE service. For many of you, the next time you sign in to Xbox LIVE, you will be prompted to receive the update. A couple of things to keep in mind over the next few hours as the update is deployed:
-Youll be prompted to accept the update when you sign into Xbox Live sometime in the next few hours. You will only receive the prompt for the update upon sign in. You wont get it in middle of a game.
-Regardless of what you have heard, it's not geographically based. No one area of the world will get it before another.
-If you log out and then back in again, this wont force the updateit will only anger people on your friends list who will see you sign in, then out, then in, then out
Be patient, everyone will eventually receive the update"