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Bronze Waffle
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I got the dreaded E74 message on my 360 last night. This is my second console and I just bought this one back in September. I shipped it out this morning. Can anyone tell me what their return time was? I'm expecting 2 weeks.
This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.
Bronze Waffle
This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.
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Quote by System:
Quote by ITokenWhiteGuyI:
That's how it all starts. Sadly, it will eventually die
Yeah, that's what they say . I thought i had RROD on my 360 once, but it was 4 flashing lights and it was because one of my cables was loose lol.
I started having issues with mine about 2 weeks ago. I had these small white spots popping up on the screen. I turned it on last night and got the E74 error. I rebooted and still had white spots. It worked for about 5 minutes and showed the error again. I hope it's back in time for Fight Night Round 4
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