Archived: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
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Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/27/08 10:49 am | #2
Although I would had preferred that the game stayed modern combat it still sounds like pure awesomeness from reading the article.
Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/27/08 2:05 pm | #3
Hell yes. COD with katanas. Finally.
Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/27/08 3:58 pm | #4
I wasnt to interested in this game and i figured COD4 would stay better, which it might.
But i think it will at least stand a chance now
I wasnt to interested in this game and i figured COD4 would stay better, which it might.
But i think it will at least stand a chance now
Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/27/08 7:45 pm | #5
hm...sounds kinda cool. i like some of the weapons, and the perks are half-decent..some could use a description (like seriously, banzai? wtf? sounds like you run out with bombs and suicide 2 times on people...llol) but it sounds pretty decent

Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/27/08 10:54 pm | #6
This is cool, but I still have low hopes for this game. It better feel like COD2, which was fantastic. It's nice to see all those old weapons again.
But WHY WHY WHY didn't they remove Martyrdom? That is the gayest and cheapest perk ever invented.
But WHY WHY WHY didn't they remove Martyrdom? That is the gayest and cheapest perk ever invented.
Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/28/08 2:00 am | #9
katana = win
Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/28/08 11:58 am | #11
Rumor has it that COD6 will be out shortly after World at War's release. I am not a huge fan of Treyarch's take on the whole COD series, somehow they always seem to disappoint me. At least this time it looks like they took some pointers from Infinity Ward. In the end I might just save my bread for COD6, it might be less painful that way....Infinity Ward needs to remake the first Medal of Honor game...that would be killer....
Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/28/08 12:02 pm | #12
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
This is cool, but I still have low hopes for this game. It better feel like COD2, which was fantastic. It's nice to see all those old weapons again.
But WHY WHY WHY didn't they remove Martyrdom? That is the gayest and cheapest perk ever invented.
But WHY WHY WHY didn't they remove Martyrdom? That is the gayest and cheapest perk ever invented.
MMM probably not because Infinity Ward did number two.....Don't get me wrong the game sure looks purty, but then again, looks aren't everything....
Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/30/08 2:36 pm | #13
Dont buy this game I.W. is the only cod maker out there Tryarch f*cked up cod 3 unless you want another cod3 dont buy this. I.W. did 2 and 4 and those were excellent 4 was almost perfect the only thing that sucked was people bitching about perks and if you dont like when other people use them you try them yourself and see how good some of them are. BUT DONT BUY THIS IT WILL BE ASSSSSS
Re: Call of Duty World at War perks and weapons revealed
08/31/08 7:47 pm | #15
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
The only reason that CoD3 didn't live up to CoD2s standards is because Treyarch only had a year and a half to develop everything with World at War they've been given alot more time I myself see this as Treyarchs redemption game.
Ya I think they may redeem themselves but I'm still going to rent it just in case.
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