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Archived: Boondock Saints 2 : All Saints Day

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Re: Re: Boondock Saints 2 : All Saints Day
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Quote by Kris:

I've also heard Green Street Hooligans is like boondock saints, and from what I've seen of it, its a pretty good movie

I FRACKING hated this movie!! Maybe its due to the fact that I have absolutely no respect for soccer whatsoever, but I had to turn it off half way through. I saw no similarities between these two movies.

Re: Re: Re: Boondock Saints 2 : All Saints Day
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Quote by Bovice63:

Quote by Kris:

I've also heard Green Street Hooligans is like boondock saints, and from what I've seen of it, its a pretty good movie

I FRACKING hated this movie!! Maybe its due to the fact that I have absolutely no respect for soccer whatsoever, but I had to turn it off half way through. I saw no similarities between these two movies.

Other than the fact that they're all Irish.:p
Re: Re: Re: Re: Boondock Saints 2 : All Saints Day
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Quote by IRiSH OH:

Other than the fact that they're all Irish.:p

Ireland and Northern Ireland National Football Team suck, they'll never go to the world cup :(

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Re: Boondock Saints 2 : All Saints Day
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Yeah I used to like Boondock Saints bout 4-5 years ago, then I watched it again recently and boy was that a gay movie. Not interested at all in a new one.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Boondock Saints 2 : All Saints Day
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Quote by Antwan:

Quote by IRiSH OH:

Other than the fact that they're all Irish.:p

Ireland and Northern Ireland National Football Team suck, they'll never go to the world cup :(

I could give two shits & a fuck about soccer. :p Besides, the Irish are too drunk to run around for a whole match:rolleyes:, not to mention soccer is maybe the 3rd most popular sport in Ireland behind Hurling and Gaelic Football.
Re: Re: Boondock Saints 2 : All Saints Day
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Quote by bluntedGRINCH:

Yeah I used to like Boondock Saints bout 4-5 years ago, then I watched it again recently and boy was that a gay movie. Not interested at all in a new one.

i also hated the first one.

it was super hyped up before i watched it. people compared it to pulp fiction and snatch/lock stock. but boondocks was just trying too hard to be cool. and 17 year olds all around the country bought into it, and preached about how much they loved it.

the film Overnight chronicles Troy Duffy's rise to and nose dive from fame. he is probably the biggest prick i've had the pleasure of watching. this film is on netflix streaming so i'd suggest fans of the movie and not fans of the movie to check it out. it is like watching a train wreck.


i'm not so stubborn that if the second movie is reviewed as good i wouldn't go see it. however, the way things are looking now i'm gonna take a pass.
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