Quote by Minioger:
Quote by ImMadeOfMoney:

I laughed so hard, a tear dropped from my eye. Lol. Your deadlift and squat was amazing though.
My deadlift was all back too - never did it right - my football coaches had fits everytime I did it. That's always been my problem - I have legs like tree trunks and skinny little arms...lol I still have never been able to bench more than 200 - ever....

Sorry for laughing but that was too funny. Lol.
I used to do my deadlift all back as well. Until about 10th grade. That's when my coaches just got on my ass and didn't let me leave until I got it right. Lol. And the next day after practice, they didn't let me leave until I got squats right. (Keep your back straight, and take your butt all the way down to the floor) I used to just go halfway down, and stand back up. Lol.
What position did you play?? I played RB and MLB all the way through school, even in Middle School. 2 positions. So strength and good shape was a must. Lol.