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Archived: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
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Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/08/09 8:21 pm | #1
Hey Soldiers!
For all you battlefield fans a new arcade game called Battlefield 1943 is coming out this wendsday!
It will be 1200 MS points, and if the community gets 43 MILLION kills we get a special map for free!!
I know I'm excited for this
Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/08/09 8:43 pm | #2
Yeah, but so far...it's been a nightmare trying to get into a game
Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/08/09 11:11 pm | #4
Yeah I'm pissed, fucking EA
Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/08/09 11:37 pm | #5
lulz EA fucked up.
did anyone not expect this?
Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/09/09 1:03 am | #6
Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/09/09 1:53 am | #7
I kinda saw it coming I mean I guess its good that a lot of people bought the game so the servers were all busy but they should have made more to begin with :s
Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/09/09 2:51 am | #8

EA and DICE gone full retard!
Re: Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/09/09 4:24 am | #10
EA's office clock should look like this
Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/09/09 10:44 am | #11
Yeah why EA would think that they wouldnt need A LOT of servers for this game is beyond me. Thats the problem there having now, thats why we cant get in any games.
Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/09/09 1:59 pm | #13
I was actually able to get in a few games around 3AM last night. Already found one of the cheevos to be glitchy. There's one for using the parachute for 10 points. I bailed out of my plane at least four times and it never popped for me.
Re: Battlefield 1943 dropping in on July 8th
07/09/09 2:21 pm | #15
Anyone else having trouble finding this to add to your 'my games collection under the user cp?
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