Archived: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/01/08 9:26 pm | #1
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/01/08 9:34 pm | #2
ROFL you caused your own death...
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/01/08 9:36 pm | #3
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
ROFL you caused your own death...
lol...kinda of weird assisting a opposing player in your own splattering
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/01/08 9:45 pm | #4
lmao!!! Did you get a kill for that!! lol
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/01/08 9:54 pm | #5
i think it woulda been funnier if their vehicle had went off the edge and it gave you a triple kill lol
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/01/08 10:15 pm | #6
almost seems it should have been a guy driving got the kill
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/01/08 11:36 pm | #7
Decent lol
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/02/08 12:45 am | #8
Damn, now how would they write that in your service record lol Involuntary suicide
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/02/08 2:24 am | #9
Damn, now how would they write that in your service record lol Involuntary suicide
oh no its quite simple
"idiot causes his own splatter"
no im jk, but that would be funny if they did that
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/02/08 12:15 pm | #10
That's awesome. I'mma be tryin' to do that now
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/02/08 1:08 pm | #11
Quote by MDub93:
That's awesome. I'mma be tryin' to do that now
oh you mean besides the fact we like to get in the enemy vehicles and just drive around? lol
i had some dude in lone wolves drive me around. i was shooting him, jumped on, he got off, looked at me, then got back on lol
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/02/08 10:46 pm | #12
Nice job...I wonder what the driver saw?
Re: Bad things happen when i play Halo 3(vid)
07/10/08 1:51 am | #15
Quote by Cw193:
Nice nade skills!

dude trust me thats either really good skill or a lucky-ars and mike actually went on that map and tried it..oh so many cusswords from mike...and me lmao'ing at my sucky timing skills..