Archived: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/15/09 2:51 pm | #1
Hey I have just recently started playing Battlefield Bad Company multiplayer with the intention of one day getting 10,002 kills in order to get the achievement. I do not even think there is a way to boost with friends but if anyone wants to join me for a few games or even grind out the 10k+2 with me, hit me up on Xbox Live. Also, if anyone is interested in the achievement I Am Bad Company that one is a little easier to boost as there are 120 various awards. See you on the battlefield! (maybe.)
Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/15/09 2:54 pm | #2
I am getting ready to start this game Monday (the 17th) after I finish up Madden10 today or tomorrow. So yeah I would like to do that
Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/15/09 3:14 pm | #3
I might, i play every now and then.
Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/15/09 3:37 pm | #4
I was going to go for this a while back, until I released that EA failed at making the awards and some where broken. meaning impossible 1000. I heard hey fixed it though... (kinda doubt it...)
Been board lately though...
I actually just added mercs 2 to my Game Q because my disc wont unlock my last achievement, one of the many glitches in merchs 2 (sad thing is, Its a DISC issue... hope i get a working one...)
Been board lately though...
I actually just added mercs 2 to my Game Q because my disc wont unlock my last achievement, one of the many glitches in merchs 2 (sad thing is, Its a DISC issue... hope i get a working one...)
Re: Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/16/09 8:32 am | #5
Quote by Blackmagic16:
meaning impossible 1000. I heard hey fixed it though... (kinda doubt it...)
The one that was glitched is actually working now.

Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/16/09 10:38 am | #6
I already have 10002 kills in this game but you really can't boost, seeing that you can only join with 4 people. I know there are people boosting but you still have to play with 8 other people trying to kill you, while you and a friend boost.
Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/16/09 10:47 am | #7
I'm not saying this game is anything close to being boostable right now, but several times I've been in matches early in the morning (3am CST) and the games drop down to 2v2 then eventually everyone quits. This seems like a prime time to get some people in there to boost quickly before more join. We found that if you invite people from the game, randoms somehow get connected to the game with you. So if you could possibly manage to have 4 people in the game that want to boost when the party turns ghostly, that may be your only way. 
I'm strictly talking about boosting really hard awards. 10,002 kills should be earned by playing the game, because it's one of the best MP games there is!

I'm strictly talking about boosting really hard awards. 10,002 kills should be earned by playing the game, because it's one of the best MP games there is!

Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/16/09 11:00 am | #8
Good luck!
It's one of those achievements I knew I'd never get (I just don't have the patience), but the MP is nicely done and still very active.
It's one of those achievements I knew I'd never get (I just don't have the patience), but the MP is nicely done and still very active.
Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/16/09 11:02 am | #9
I have had this game for a loooong time and have never played it. Sounds like I should.
Re: Re: Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/16/09 4:50 pm | #10
Quote by Apple:
Quote by Blackmagic16:
meaning impossible 1000. I heard hey fixed it though... (kinda doubt it...)
The one that was glitched is actually working now.

I still have a broken one.
Just tried it again
"IAR: destroy 2 naval vehicles"
exactly what it says. just killed 4 and still nothing.They really should reread everything once before releasing games...or at least ifx it a year later....
Re: Re: Re: Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/16/09 6:10 pm | #11
Quote by Blackmagic16:
Quote by Apple:
The one that was glitched is actually working now.

I still have a broken one.
Just tried it again
"IAR: destroy 2 naval vehicles"
exactly what it says. just killed 4 and still nothing.They really should reread everything once before releasing games...or at least ifx it a year later....
Hmm, I am not sure if I have that award yet either. I'll try and get it later and let you know if it is glitched for me as well. As far as boosting there is usually an empty level somewhere its just hard to find. Me and a few friends got into one and had knife fights boosting me up a level. I have only had this happen once and oddly enough it was in the afternoon when the game is still very active.
Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/17/09 10:04 am | #12
I just 1ked this game like a week ago and i think im the 20th person (thats a guess i know its around there) to 1k it legit. It took me a year to do this. I would suggest no one getting or playing this game because it is that bad. This game has everything that could possibly be wrong with a game wrong with it you might not see it now but once you start playing you will I hate this game so much and I just want other people to go through the same thing
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BF:BC 10,002 Kills
08/17/09 10:31 am | #13
Quote by Bovice63:
Quote by Blackmagic16:
I still have a broken one.
Just tried it again
"IAR: destroy 2 naval vehicles"
exactly what it says. just killed 4 and still nothing.They really should reread everything once before releasing games...or at least ifx it a year later....
Hmm, I am not sure if I have that award yet either. I'll try and get it later and let you know if it is glitched for me as well. As far as boosting there is usually an empty level somewhere its just hard to find. Me and a few friends got into one and had knife fights boosting me up a level. I have only had this happen once and oddly enough it was in the afternoon when the game is still very active.
Naval Surface patch. I was trying to get it again earlier ( i assume they forgot to add "in a naval vehicle" and cant be bothered to change it) but its next to impossible to have find people in boats while in boats (assuming you get a map with boats)
Quote by HookdAwnFonix:
I just 1ked this game like a week ago and i think im the 20th person (thats a guess i know its around there) to 1k it legit. It took me a year to do this. I would suggest no one getting or playing this game because it is that bad. This game has everything that could possibly be wrong with a game wrong with it you might not see it now but once you start playing you will I hate this game so much and I just want other people to go through the same thing
Thank you
Ive been playing lately out of extreme boredom. I would rather (save achievement value) play 1943...
It is an impressive 1000 though...
maybe after Battlefield: EA 2 comes out the awards will be do-able, untill then 10,002 is something to do...
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