Has this BS happened to anyone else...warn everyone!!
Archived: Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
08/26/09 10:45 pm | #1
I purchased 2 Axe products, texted in the 8 digit promotion code to 56376 like it says on the product and then a few seconds later I got a text back saying my codes were invalid! I then went to the website http://www.textrules.com/axebox that's on the Axe products and the freakin site isn't even valid..WTF, I just got screwed and they won't do anything about it!!! Screw AXE!!
Has this BS happened to anyone else...warn everyone!!
Has this BS happened to anyone else...warn everyone!!
Re: Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
08/26/09 10:48 pm | #2
It happened to me as well.
Re: Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
08/26/09 10:48 pm | #3
dude i said talk to top dogs. he has helped everyone else with this problem and got them to work this thread was unnecessary. have some patience and he will help
Re: Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
08/26/09 10:58 pm | #7
Uh-oh. I have 10 of these to put in, they better work!
Re: Re: Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
08/26/09 11:25 pm | #9
Quote by Lady Evol:
It's happened to many people... which you'd have known if you'd have read through the thread SPECIFICALLY concerning the axe for points promotion before making this thread... And the site is http://www.textrules.com/axexbox, brain surgeon. And on that site they give you this #: 1-866-204-9750 for Unilever. Go nuts.
Top Dogs thnx for trying to help.. I get impatient when it comes to losing money...but Lady Evol, I didnt feel like looking through all those pages and if you looked at the beginning of this thread I have the correct web address, brainless surgeon And like I said THE SITE ISN'T ACTIVE! At least not when I went to it! thnx for the number but keep the sarcasm.
Re: Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
08/26/09 11:29 pm | #11
Top Dogs U R Da Man, I just did what u said and it worked on the 1st one...thnx alot..now I'll try the 2nd one
Re: Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
08/26/09 11:29 pm | #12
Re: Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
08/26/09 11:30 pm | #13
Lady Evol's
There is definately a difference.
Re: Axe Products for Microsoft Points is a Freakin JOKE
08/26/09 11:31 pm | #14
Dug through my car and found these smelly things, texted and entered the code on xbox.com and everything is golden. 300 points added.