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Archived: Anyone Getting Chromehounds?

Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Anyone Getting Chromehounds?
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Quote by alzapa:

well I just came home from camp and guess what my dad got me when I was there..... yep chromehounds!

its not like my dad to buys games with out me asking but he got this one. :D

well I only played training and one online game and so far I am not to happy with it, but I have only played 10 minutes, so I could be rong. I will let you guys know more tomarrow.

thanks zapa, good to have ya back
Re: Anyone Getting Chromehounds?
Burnt Waffle
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well I just played chromehounds more and now I think its a fun game, but its differant than most games so I would rent it first to see of you like it.
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