Archived: Another One Gets Pinched!
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Another One Gets Pinched!
05/21/08 8:19 pm | #1
Looks like another gamer gets zapped for cheating. I believe it was Sneaky Condour (not sure if I spelled it right). I applaud MS for (slowly but surely) cleaning out the closet of cheaters. Whose next?
Re: Another One Gets Pinched!
05/21/08 8:36 pm | #2
ohh and I looked at his GamerCard on MGC and he has 1000GS, anyone wanna guess what game its from?.................Avatar hahahhaa LMFAO!!! That is probably the only game he could actually achieve 100% on
Re: Another One Gets Pinched!
05/21/08 8:45 pm | #3
ohh and I looked at his GamerCard on MGC and he has 1000GS, anyone wanna guess what game its from?.................Avatar hahahhaa LMFAO!!! That is probably the only game he could actually achieve 100% on
thats funny, real funny
Re: Another One Gets Pinched!
05/21/08 9:27 pm | #4
that would be the only game i could get 1000pts on...JEEZ GUYS
Re: Another One Gets Pinched!
05/22/08 2:14 am | #5
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
that would be the only game i could get 1000pts on...JEEZ GUYS
Fuzion Frenzy 2 isn't so hard to get 1000 and i'll help you with the online ones

Re: Another One Gets Pinched!
05/23/08 8:13 am | #6
that's funny that MS is really cracking down on the cheaters... Serves them right for not actually Earning something
Re: Another One Gets Pinched!
05/23/08 3:17 pm | #9
I almost had an easy 1000 on TMNT...real easy at the end of the last level the disk would keep messing up.
Time to gamefly it again.
Time to gamefly it again.
Re: Another One Gets Pinched!
05/23/08 3:31 pm | #11
yeah it wasn't that interesting....but it was easy. I just stuck it out I was like "well....might as well finish it, least I'll get some points out of it"
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