Archived: 3 am downtime
Posted Under: Site News & Updates
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3 am downtime
07/24/10 1:15 am | #1
At 3 am eastern time this morning (about an hour and forty-five minutes from now), Xbox America will be going offline for a quick 5-10 minutes. It's just a test of some stuff on the server. It's really unlikely it'd take more than ten minutes.
Re: 3 am downtime
07/24/10 1:37 am | #2
Well considering I always have trouble connecting between 3 and 4 AM, I guess this isn't any different
Well considering I always have trouble connecting between 3 and 4 AM, I guess this isn't any different

Re: 3 am downtime
07/24/10 1:51 am | #4
Re: 3 am downtime
08/15/10 11:09 pm | #6
Hrm, weird. I can't make the post go away either. Jackson!!! :laugh:
Re: 3 am downtime
08/15/10 11:10 pm | #7
What the H, E, Double Hockey Sticks?
Re: 3 am downtime
08/15/10 11:18 pm | #9
These deleted user posts are popping up everywhere!!!!
Re: 3 am downtime
08/15/10 11:19 pm | #10
So Irish is to blame? Get the pitchforks.
Re: 3 am downtime
08/15/10 11:20 pm | #11
i think he MENT to say
\/\/Click for my Black Keys song of the day\/\/

"The Dude Abides"
im pretty sure A that makes no sense, and B you can't use an image as a link...
\/\/Click for my Black Keys song of the day\/\/

"The Dude Abides"
im pretty sure A that makes no sense, and B you can't use an image as a link...
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