Re: 2010 fall games-o-crap?
11/01/10 11:26 pm | #7
I haven't seen any bugs in Fable 3 yet, but I've heard about people having some. Fallout New Vegas is just a glitch fuck fest, I can't even play the game signed into live with the patch enabled without it freezing in 2 minutes. I've only seen one glitch in DR 2 and it was when I killed a zombie and its arm was just floating in the air, but it didn't affect anything. The only bugs I've seen in Reach are the same ones that have plagued Halo since they started using the Havok engine with the ragdoll effects, the bodies twitching and bouncing, randomly getting launched through the air when some objects rub into each other and clip, etc... Only bugs I have an issue with are the Fallout game crashing bugs...fuckin Obsidian.