Closed: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
Posted Under: Entertainment
2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 1:41 pm | #1
The Cleveland Cavaliers jumped the shark in the summer of 2010 when LeBron James left them in favour of playing for the Miami Heat (Don't ask!). How well will they finish in 2010-2011?
Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 2:04 pm | #2
People still watch/care about basketball? I though it was extinct.
Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 2:12 pm | #3
Yes people still care about basketball AJ. i think they will finish between 10-72 and 14-68, just cant narrow it down. Good thing the Bulls are winning though!
Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 2:38 pm | #4
I am going to guess a tad higher and go 16-66 or 17-65. I'm in Akron, so I actually get to glance over the writeups in the paper about them.
Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 2:48 pm | #5

Re: Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 3:40 pm | #6
Quote by Zer0runner:
I am going to guess a tad higher and go 16-66 or 17-65. I'm in Akron, so I actually get to glance over the writeups in the paper about them.
That makes sense. Injuries have been plaguing them all year so once they get back to full strength it should get better.
Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 3:51 pm | #7
Just wondering, did this really need its own thread? We all know that the Cavs suck without LeBron. And all they have now is a whiny Mo Williams, and a washed up Antwan Jamison. Everyone else on the team were random kids picked off the streets of Cleveland.
Re: Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 4:30 pm | #8
Quote by xMike:
Just wondering, did this really need its own thread?
Of course it did. Everything deserves it own thread, even stuff that already has 4-5 threads.
Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 4:35 pm | #9
This thread is completely fucking unnecessary! There's an assload of sports threads already. The only purpose of this thread is to start some bullshit flame war. If you were from Ohio or a real Cavs fan then it might get a pass. We all already know they're the worst team in the league. We see and hear about it every fucking day on the four letter network. This thread needs to be closed.

Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 5:06 pm | #10
Lebron > Cavaliers
Although I am a Celtics fan, I think the Cavaliers made a fuss over losing Lebron, and their so called lineage to their team, and so on, but what they were really saying is, "Now We Suck AGAIN!"
Although I am a Celtics fan, I think the Cavaliers made a fuss over losing Lebron, and their so called lineage to their team, and so on, but what they were really saying is, "Now We Suck AGAIN!"

Re: Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 5:48 pm | #11
Quote by Junior Mint Daddy:
Lebron > Cavaliers
Although I am a Celtics fan, I think the Cavaliers made a fuss over losing Lebron, and their so called lineage to their team, and so on, but what they were really saying is, "Now We Suck AGAIN!"
Although I am a Celtics fan, I think the Cavaliers made a fuss over losing Lebron, and their so called lineage to their team, and so on, but what they were really saying is, "Now We Suck AGAIN!"

I bet you and this Zyzzy douche liked to find sick dogs to kick around when you were kids.
Everyone thinks losing LeBron is the only reason they're terrible this year because they're ignorant dipshits. The loss of both Zydrunas Ilgauskus and Shaq was just as big as losing LeBron and injuries have plagued a team full of guys that would be lucky to come off the bench for any other team. I've stated before that I wasn't so much mad that he left but in HOW he left.
He held the front office financially hostage and they were completely unprepared for it. They fired Mike Brown because of LeBron and then GM Danny Ferry left. Had LeBron just came clean after the end of that Boston series and said he had absolutely no desire to stay in Cleveland, they could've gone into the off season a lot more prepared and maybe signed some other quality free agent. Dan Gilbert making an ass out of himself didn't help things either.
Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 6:35 pm | #12
Lebron is overrated and the cavs are terribe...LETS GO KNICKS!
Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 7:31 pm | #13
Re: 2010-2011 Cleveland Cavaliers
02/07/11 8:01 pm | #14
agreed irish