Archived: 1st time here......
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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1st time here......
07/25/09 11:58 pm | #1
hello everyone, i am K A BIG Forz (K A= Killing clan). my friends and acquaintances call me either Forz, or Forzi. although it may look as if i modeled my gamertag after the Forza MotorSports games, i actually had the name Forz in my gamertag since before Forza came out on the original Xbox. don't get me wrong, i believe that is a great game (Forza 2) as far as games go (i personally don't like it all too much but still have it). i just wanted to post about my gamertag because sometimes i get asked about that. anyways, i found this site through a friend on another gaming site. it's a competetive online 360 gaming site. he posted up about how you could join here and enter your gamertag and it gives you your overall leaderboard rank in your area. i've only been on the site for about 10minutes so i haven't seen a whole lot of it yet but from what i have already seen, i really like the site. it's a unique site (i haven't been on any other gaming/ social-networking sites like this in the past). quickly about me/my gaming: i have been an Xbox Live gamer since around 2001 or early 2002. i started out playing Star Wars The Clone Wars and Mechassault as well as Unreal Champion, online and loved it. i took like a year break from online gaming because things at work got very busy, but then came right back. i am in a clan named Killing Authority and have been with them for about 2years. we started out pretty much competing in Rainbow 6 Vegas I and have moved on to newer games along the way. currently we have 2-four man squads competing against other teams on Left 4 Dead and about 12 teammates on our Call of Duty 4 &World at War. we compete on a couple of different gaming ladder sites. one of them is one that i own and put together with three partners. the ladder script (program that does the score tallying for all) was written from scratch by our software team. we have some really cool people on our site. for the most part they all compete to have fun and most of them don't get up-tight about losing. it's more of a good time on our site in the competitions. sure people are competetive, don't get me wrong but we like to bust balls and have a good time. i also play PURE (ATV off-road racing game), which i personally think that this is the best off-road ATV/M.Bike racing game that has come out between the Xbox original and the 360, and i've had probably all of them. i play it alot with friends and lately it's popularity online has grown from when it first came out. oh yeah, in case you haven't noticed.... i sometimes write long-winded posts. i get ragged all the time from friends about that.anyways, i have written quite a bit for my first post so i'll end it here and just say that i look forward to getting to know/also game, with any of you. i am on usually around 7:30pm est after i get home. on the weekends sometimes i am on and sometimes i am not but if i am on it's usually around 9pm est. so if any of you play either: Rainbow6 Vegas1&2, Call of Duty4, Gears of War2, ChromeHounds, FrontLines: Fuel of War, GTAIV, MidNight Club: L.A. , PGR 3, or StarWars BattleFront I&II send me a message if i'm on and if i'm not in a match then it's likely that i'll hop over unless i'm in an interesting game. my gamertag is K A BIG Forz .
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 12:00 am | #2
I'm NOT reading that......
Welcome aboard man.
Just a tip, not trying to bash here, just giving good advice, use paragraphs. Wall of text = no good to read.
Welcome aboard man.
Just a tip, not trying to bash here, just giving good advice, use paragraphs. Wall of text = no good to read.
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 12:12 am | #4
Welcome to XBA!
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 12:12 am | #5
Whoa momma. Nice introduction. Usually people just leave a quick message that tells us nothing about them. Good work.
Welcome to the community!
Welcome to the community!
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 12:25 am | #6
Ok Killing Authority Forza 2 aquantences..... ok welcome!
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 12:28 am | #7
lol lol lol Welcome to the site!
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 12:34 am | #8
atleast he said something besides "hi i'm new here"
welcome to xba!!
welcome to xba!!
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 12:38 am | #9
Haha, welcome.
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 12:41 am | #10
holy shit, i read that, but i forgot it all already...
oh yea welcome

Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 12:45 am | #11
Hello and welcome to XBA!!! I hope you enjoy it here.
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 1:08 am | #13
Welcome aboard skipper.
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 1:13 am | #14
Welcome to the site!
Re: 1st time here......
07/26/09 2:13 am | #15
WOW... i did write quite a bit. my apologies if i strained anyones' eyes. i'll try to keep the posts down to less than a half hour to read.
anyways... thanks to all of you for the "WELCOME" messages. look forward to talking to ya''s soon.
anyways... thanks to all of you for the "WELCOME" messages. look forward to talking to ya''s soon.
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