Archived: 1 vs 100 problem
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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1 vs 100 problem
12/21/09 10:53 pm | #1
I'm trying right now to ghet into 1 vs 100 to play the Community Written Sci-fi and all it's doing is continually loading...the game waon't start or nothing..I even tried turning off my 360 and then back on but nothing...it's been loading now for well over 10 minutes. Is anyone else experiencing any problems?

Re: 1 vs 100 problem
12/21/09 11:00 pm | #2
Yeah,I said screw it for that night and it worked the next day.lol.
Re: 1 vs 100 problem
12/21/09 11:58 pm | #4
This happened last season a bunch of times, you just have to wait until they fix the problem...
Re: Re: 1 vs 100 problem
12/22/09 3:02 am | #5
Quote by AJ:
This happened last season a bunch of times, you just have to wait until they fix the problem...
Oh wow, that sucks! I really wanted to play yesterday, I had reminders set for 3 games!
Re: 1 vs 100 problem
12/23/09 3:01 am | #6
Ok this is some straight up BS! I was playing 1 vs 100 today and after about an hour the game locked up, I had to reset my 360 and when I got back online, 1 vs 100 just stayed at that stupid loading screen..what's UP!!
Re: Re: 1 vs 100 problem
12/23/09 5:09 am | #7
Quote by chrisarcade:
Ok this is some straight up BS! I was playing 1 vs 100 today and after about an hour the game locked up, I had to reset my 360 and when I got back online, 1 vs 100 just stayed at that stupid loading screen..what's UP!!
I had a similar problem while playing during the Live show. It had some sort of error connecting to the game and dropped me back to the lobby, then when I tried to re-join, it dropped me to the lobby again. So I exited to the Xbox dashboard and tried to re-join again and the game wouldn't even get to the lobby, so I gave up trying to get back in, since there was less than half an hour left in the Live show.
Like AJ said, there's still some kinks being worked out, so having patience while they are fixed is all that can be done on our end.
Re: 1 vs 100 problem
12/24/09 6:54 pm | #8
I hope they fix this, becuz I really like playing
Re: 1 vs 100 problem
12/24/09 7:13 pm | #9
Well at least I know its not just me. This happens to me all the time.
Re: 1 vs 100 problem
12/24/09 11:54 pm | #10
I haven't been able to get into a game in 2 days. I thought maybe it was just me, as I haven't played it in a while.
This blows.
This blows.
Re: 1 vs 100 problem
06/25/10 3:27 pm | #12
Is 1 vs 100 ever coming back....I still need one more achievement
Re: 1 vs 100 problem
06/25/10 3:32 pm | #13
Re: Re: 1 vs 100 problem
06/25/10 4:59 pm | #14
Quote by KnuckPuck:
the only way i can get into a game if i set a reminder.
Ya that is the same with me and it gets really annoying sometimes. You can have your friend invite you too if you didn't have a reminder
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