List and guide:

Your team of four simultaneously achieves a streak of three consecutive answers
For this, gather up three of your friends and tell each other what answer to choose, and hope you get it right. You have to be really cooperative!(I heard you can't be in parties while playing)

Answer a total of 500 questions
You will get this achievement as you progress through the game. This will take a good while to get though.

Answer a total of 100 answers correctly
Just as the achievements describes, answer 100 questions correctly, this will require you to be a good thinker, and will take a while to get.

Get three consecutive questions right while receiving an Instant Answer Bonus for each
Please look at "Quick Draw" for more info.

In a single round, receive six consecutive Instant Answer Bonuses.
For this achievement, just press the button really quickly 6 times in a row before the three answers pop up, they do not have to be right. You will most likely get Low Rider when you are going for this.

In a single round, achieve a streak of five consecutive correct answers.
Please refer to "Game Show Guru" for more info

In any single round, achieve a streak of 12 consecutive correct answers.
For this one, you have to answer 12 answers in a row correctly, you better hope they are really simple answers, unless you are really smart.

Answer A total of 25 questions correctly.
Please Refer to Golden Century for more info

In a single round, score a total of 1300 points through time bonuses.
For this achievement, all you have to do is press any answer button as quick as you can. The faster you press it, the more points you get. You do NOT have to get them right.

Extended play: In a single round, save up a maximum of three skips.
To get a skip, you have to answer three questions in a row correctly. Do this without using the skip and the achievement is yours. You also have to do this while the show is in Extended Play!

In a single round of 1 vs 100 Live round, max out your avatar action 10 times
For this, you have to keep pressing the Y button really quickly until your Avatar is jumping up and down. Behind you, the bars will be all lit up. You have to be a really quick button presser to do this. Repeat 9 more times within the same round and this is yours. You also have to do this during a Live Show!

Answer instantly and incorrectly three times in a row.
For this achievement, before all three answers show up, just press any button that is not the correct answer three questions in a row. Do this, and the achievement is yours.(This is probably the easiest achievement)