Closed: ---Mw2 class creation help---
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 11:57 am | #1
i'm XARM4G3DDONX. ive realized that many people have had trouble with creating classes. some people like to sit back and kill bypassers. others may like to be a specialist. what i mean by that is they like to specialize in 1 ability (speed, damage, fire rate, etc.) i'm here to provide tips on what you should revolve your classes around. 1. if you have good reflexes you should either snipe or run around with marathon, lightweight, and an smg (my specialty runner class). and, with reflexes, you should think about using sleight of hand pro, if you have it. 2. if you are good at spotting campers, i'd recommend FMJ to shoot them through their barrier before you get in their line of fire. i have many more ideas and if you have any questions, please reply. ill be happy to give advice to players who need it. and if you would like examples of my specialist classes, ill be more than happy to provide that info.
Re: ---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 11:58 am | #2
We already know.
Re: ---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 12:46 pm | #5
Good god, did you steal this shit from wikipedia or something? We already know how to play MW2, thanks
Re: ---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 1:02 pm | #7
This is the 3rd thread this retard has made about this shit...
No one cares about this game anymore.
No one cares about this game anymore.
Re: ---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 4:04 pm | #9
Dude! I'm so glad that someone was considerate enough to make a thread like this for all of the retards that are too mentally deficient to use the search feature to find the 72,823,294,188,248,120 other threads made on this exact same subject.
Get this guy a fucking community service badge for Christ's sake.
Get this guy a fucking community service badge for Christ's sake.
Re: ---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 4:05 pm | #10
you people are total dumbasses. if you dont give a damn about what im sayin dont post! this is only meant for noobs who need help making a class.

Re: ---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 4:07 pm | #11
You're a dumbass for showing your incapability to use a simple seach feature.
Re: ---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 4:10 pm | #12
why are YOU here? anyone who doesnt care what im sayin can stfu and find somethin else to do.
Re: ---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 4:13 pm | #13
I love carebear mod's!
Re: ---Mw2 class creation help---
03/28/10 5:12 pm | #15
Eh, how about this. You learn what to make, you don't have other people tell you. That's the point! You learn your own strategies. If you suck; you suck. If you're good; you're good. So why don't we all just stop helping people make classes (which doesn't help) and focus on other things. Liiike.. hiding in the corner on MW2 with One Man Army classes, C4, claymores, and tactical insertions. Sound good?