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Full Game - MEGA MAN 9

xx Azraelrs xx

Personal Information
Region:North Carolina
Join Date:Feb 14, 2010
BirthdayJanuary 4th
xx Azraelrs xx's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

Golden Waffle
Golden Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 150,000 or higher.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamertag Info
Gamertagxx Azraelrs xx
xx Azraelrs xx's Shoutbox
Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

Im at a loss for words on just how dumb you are. Just when I think your done, you come back with a lower level of intelligence each time. Maybe you should spend less time on my page leaving me ignorant comments and more on being a decent person to the Xbox live community, just a thought.

Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

Dude, I gotta be honest... I dont really care what you do now buddy. My goal is complete: To out you like the fat cheater you are, my jobs done. All I can say is have fun at the bottom cause thats where you'll stay if you keep doing what you do...

Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

You got rid of it last month yet you got on here to comment back? Tell yourself what you must buddy...

Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

AWWWW what happen buddy? all that cheating finally catch up to ya? well dang thats too bad, and you was almost at number one. Well I guess you could always make another cheat/gamesave account. but who knows maybe you've learned your lesson...on second hand probably not since its your second time and all, like I say: "Once a cheater, always a cheater." Have fun looking up at me from the bottom friend. :)

Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

ok, explain how it is that your old account gets banned ( for boot legging games none the less), so therefore causing you to make a new account which now has 100K more then your old one, yet you say you dont gamesave or cheat? I dont think so. The point I was trying to make is that your gamescore jumped 50K in less then a week which isnt even possible without cheating. (Sence you got sooo much other stuff going on in your life.) The Code of Conduct states that trading accounts with other gamers is against the rules, which you admitted to doing. You say you dont "care" about achievements and call them retarded, then what the hell are you doing on a website like this and with a fake gamescore like that? You've made no threads, no posts, its as if you made this account just so you get to be 1st at something in your sad life. You dont put the countless hours into getting a score like mine and not care. As for your old account it plainly says: "CHEATER! What happen to this gamer? They was caught cheating" on it. There is a big difference in catching someone cheating and playing a game early buddy. I dont care about being 1st as shocking as that may be to you, sure its nice, but Im sure there is someone in NC who has a gamerscore higher then mine and yours who hasnt visited this website. The point is your a discrace to the hole achievement system and what it stands for. The fact you tell me to grow up, yet keep coming back for more make you a big kid. Oh and FYI mr. "family man" , I too have a full time job, a beautiful wife, and a very handsome 13 month old son, so lets just gets some facts straight you aren't talking to some kid.

Auzama - 15 years ago

I've been with King since he had less than 50,000G, and I've done some crazy shit with him. He earned every single one of his achievements. Even if you, or I should say all of you, didn't game save or glitch the achievements, you did not personally earn them all, and that is cheating, and you all know it. I don't care what you're capable of, a cheater is a cheater, and you are not 1st in NC. Well I hope you have a good day. Maybe you should familiarize yourself with this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Failure

Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

I"ll change it to 2nd in NC, when I am 2nd. You "sir" are a cheater and therefore dont count in my eyes or anyone elses. So how about you go outside noob. XD

Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

wow big words from such a little group of boys, you openly admit to multiple people playing on your profile, yet im the sad one? You're a disgrace to everything this website stands for... stupid noob.

Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

18th in America? Come on 'Gamersaver" your not cheating hard enough you gotta really want it, loser. XD

Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

Wow an increase of 50,000K in a week, nice to see your still game saving. Im just waiting to see you pass Stallion83 and join all the other 0 Gamerscore losers. XD

Imaking1987 - 15 years ago

Sooo your gonna game save for what? To be 49th in America? Way to fail. XD *Cheaters can be so dumb, I swear.*