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Personal Information
Join Date:May 16, 2009
BirthdayMarch 11th, 1975
smrnov's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

Golden Waffle
Golden Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 150,000 or higher.

Head of State
Head of State

This user has one of the highest gamerscores in his or her region.

Gamertag Info
Mottosmrnov.com - 360voice
Check out trueachievements.com! I do not accept random voice chats and I don't listen to voice messages.
smrnov's Shoutbox
JeffMomm - 10 years ago

Congrats on the million!!!!

Whitebrutus - 10 years ago

Congrats on getting to a million

- 11 years ago

too bad you lost to a American

V E l7 0 lVl - 11 years ago

You are the only legit guy close to a million GS.

Escape - 12 years ago

Good luck with getting the highest gamerscore :) you got this ;)

ComMandeR SouR - 12 years ago

I hope you know that Canadians can never succeed when an American is reaching for the same goal, enjoy forever 2nd fiddle syrup drinker :P

TheBudMuffin - 12 years ago

Yo you got a great gamerscore no doubt but I noticed you have 0 points for games that take time for example skyrim and new Vegas those achievements are easy to get and they are really fun to get

DarkOccult - 13 years ago

Awesome Gamer score :D

Arcanite Chill - 13 years ago

You got this if you just stop leaving games at 0 GS like how you did for L4D2 (which is easy achieves) If you message me on Xbox I'll help you with the achieves

Chaind Insanity - 13 years ago

huh, didnt even know you were neck and neck with Stallion. you guys keep at it! this is a rather interesting race to 1,000,000

xC4RN4G3 K1NGx - 13 years ago

Wow right on man soo close to be 1st keep it up and u mind if i add u on xbl?

xL3G1Tx Zombie - 13 years ago

good job on 556k gs. it's so stupid people give so much credit to stallion83 when u are right behind him...

Fatalmemory9420 - 14 years ago

does it feel bad to be so close to no.1 .....no im just joking good job on half a mil.

Lemon Lacerater - 14 years ago

Nice job on over 500,000:) hope i can get there someday

- 15 years ago

wtg on 400k!