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Gears of War 2

headshotz 1990

Personal Information
Join Date:Nov 24, 2007
headshotz 1990's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

Silver Waffle
Silver Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 100,000 or higher.

Golden Waffle
Golden Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 150,000 or higher.

Gamertag Info
Gamertagheadshotz 1990
headshotz 1990's Shoutbox
Becoming Iconic - 16 years ago

341,575 Gamerscore with 157 games played. Hmmm....

D33ZNUTZ FYC - 16 years ago

Hey dumb asses, this is an achievement site, for PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY TAKE ACHIEVEMENTS SERIOUSLY. So for those of you who say ''who cares if he's glitching!'', you're seriously a noob and you need to get the fuck out. WE CARE THAT HE'S GLITCHING, he's not legit, and he is ruining the fun for everybody else.

NRH JUGGALO - 16 years ago

TX DEAD MAN TX, I think the reason people are pissed off about it is because people like headshotz 1990 fucking up the leaderboards. And your hostile comments tell alot about your maturity. Remember, its only the internet and you will never win

chrisarcade - 16 years ago

TX Dead Man shut the hell up, we have real reasons to be concerned, the stuff doesn't add up..if he isn't cheating then I think he should explain how his score adds up to 300,000 plus with only 100 plus games!!

chrisarcade - 16 years ago

I agree BATTOUSAI1979 something is fishy and when I looked at him on Xbox.com he hides the games he plays, but for the few games it shows here he's not even close to max achievement points..what's up headshoyz..why u gotta hide everything and why's your gamerscore not adding up right?! If you r doing something wrong I hope u get banned!!

Epic Modz - 16 years ago

nice gamerscore

BATTOUSAI1979 - 16 years ago

157 games and 341,575??? that doesn't add up right. Something smells fishy here.

- 16 years ago

the only game this profile has played is xbox.com

chrispaul21 - 16 years ago

HAHAHAHAHA yo clownsta check his rank on xbox live..his points have been reset and labeled a cheater hahahaha

The Clownsta - 16 years ago

Stop hiding your gamerscore your scared little bitch.

The Clownsta - 16 years ago

Oh, and the reason he has some that arent 1000/1000, is because he had a gamerscore lower than mine 3 months ago, and he was around 15,000 below me, so as I said before, I can prove he cheated.

The Clownsta - 16 years ago

This c#cksucker used to be on my friends list, i actually have screencaps on my computer of messages he sent me from xbox live were he said "I didn't gamesave dumbass, I hexed, which isn't illegal since there are time stamps" Yeah, he cheated.

HoMiCiDe GoTTi - 16 years ago

hes played the same games for the last week or more with the same scores and he gained 4 or 5000 since a day and a half ago come on he had to sign in to get credit for the points but weres the games

Some Puppy - 16 years ago

If he was gamesaving, her would probably have 1000/1000 for all games, right? He probably wouldn't gamesave 110/1000 for rock band 2

Captain Nerdy - 16 years ago

I hope you get your gamerscore reset....looks like we got some cheatin on our hands!

HoMiCiDe GoTTi - 16 years ago

game saver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Facial La Fleur - 16 years ago

I take that back... most of your games have been played too closely together and looks very suspicious. Again, I hope not but it doesn't look so good for you.

Facial La Fleur - 16 years ago

Folks think you cheat and I certainly hope not. You don't seem to possess many of the traits in your list of games that are dead giveaways. You've played many games but haven't finished all that many compared to what most cheaters would have for completion ratios.

Stake - 16 years ago

Cheat much?

MHSBulldawg76 - 16 years ago

Good luck on hitting 1 Million, very impressive score!