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Halo 3


Personal Information
Join Date:Aug 25, 2011
BirthdayAugust 29th, 1992
Gruntyking117's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Gamertag Info
MottoLooking back on it...
Personne ne vous a apprivoisées et vous n'aves apprivoisè personne. Salutations. You may have come here to examine my profile either before or after a match, out of curiosity or to send me a message; be it congratulatory or condescending tripe that many gamers mistake as insult or wit. It may be that you're a friend. In any case, let's be blunt: I'm here to have fun and take as many names as possible in the process. Enemy or ally, I wish you luck, and may the best player win.
Gruntyking117's Shoutbox
- 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

BillJones0302 - 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!