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Kane & Lynch sequel arriving August 24th

News | March 18, 2010 9:02 am

Taken from source listed:

The sequel to the 2007 action game Kane & Lynch is expected to arrive on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 August 24, confirms publisher Square Enix in a statement.

The news was first revealed on the game's official website, recently revamped by developer IO Interactive (Hitman). IGN has posted a trailer of the game in action.

The second chapter in the Kane & Lynch series will be published under the Eidos label, says Square Enix.

Kane & Lynch 2 follows the duo as they do battle within the underworld of Shanghai, China, and developers will employ a visual presentation similar to a documentary.

"We believe the unique visuals and relentless gameplay has created an intensity never delivered in a video game before," says Niels Jorgensen, general manager of IO Interactive, in a statement.

The game will include online and offline cooperative play and the return of the clever Fragile Alliance multiplayer mode.

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