Gears 2 - 50% off All Fronts and Social Matches
In celebration of the release of Title Update 6, we’re slashing—nay, eviscerating—prices on Gears 2 downloadable content. All Fronts Collection, containing all 19 Gears 2 downloadable maps and the deleted single-player chapter “Road to Ruin,” is now an absolute steal at just 800 Microsoft Points. Need to fill a gap in your DLC collection? Dark Corners is down to 560 points, while Flashback, Combustibles, and Snowblind are 400. Once you’ve got all the map packs, you’ll be able to check out the new Social Xbox LIVE matches, where you can join matches in progress and cycle to new maps automatically. It’s a great new way to get your multiplayer fix!
So if you've been holding out you can get all the Gears 2 map packs for $10 bucks. The other thing of note is that according to a person who has been playing today - the social matches reward experience. What does this mean? Level 100 is easier to boost now. So who wants to join me?