Dantes Inferno "Dark Forest" DLC will be released.

Playstation 3's Exclusive "Dark Forest" DLC for Dante's Inferno will be released on the Xbox 360. This was previously a Playstation 3 only content. Visceral Games, an EA development studio, has revealed that the Dark Forest DLC included in the Divine Edition of Dante’s Inferno for PS3-only, will also be made available on Xbox 360. Though those who purchase the Divine Edition on the Playstation 3 will get the content for Free, a cost plan for the DLC on Xbox 360 hasn't been announced. In the game, Dark Forest is a prequel level where Dante’s lost in the forest and feeling a bit disoriented. In the epic poem, this beginning stage was described by Dante Alighieri rather vaguely, so this gave Visceral free reign to explore all the possibilities. Dante's Inferno is set to be released in stores on February 9.