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Gears of War® 2

Gears of War® 2

NicknameGears of War® 2
ESRB RatingM (Mature)
DeveloperEpic Games, Inc.
PublisherMicrosoft Game Studios
Release DateConfirmed November 7th, 2008
Earliest Appearance10/20/08 4:26 pm
PopularityPast Week: 962nd (0%)
Waffling Percentile68th
Waffling Difficulty
"Better Than Nothing" Waffle
"Better Than Nothing" Waffle

"Better Than Nothing" Waffle games are between the 50th and 75th percentile in ease of gamerscore. They're not great for waffling, but earning their gamerscore isn't difficult.

IconName% of UseTotal Achievements
Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2 (JP)

Gears of War 2 (JP)

TuneableCandy4 - 14 years ago

looking for a reliable clan,my bro is in the GaNgStA clan aka the munchies clan any ways hit me up

jroo505 - 15 years ago

Im bored and me and my bro was just owning in a custom game and u still get points for it any1 wanna play l8r?

Luiz2123 - 15 years ago

yo guys i am open for a clan. MSg me. Im good

relyt sworrab - 15 years ago

hey if anyone is interested in joining my clan then add me as a friend on xbox live. GT relyt sworrab ( i will explain the clan then)

Chaind Insanity - 15 years ago

horde DLC achieves. add me.

ashpunch - 15 years ago

ashpunch is the man at horde! look me up players!

GorlyJustinR15 - 15 years ago

If you like to play horde add me.

Mehlody - 15 years ago

ADDD me Mehlody

rstreich87 - 15 years ago

can anyone help me boost. i need to play wave 35-50 on horde. I have a friend that would be able to help but i would still need 3 others. Hit me up if you can.

Dork Dragon - 15 years ago

get blood on you!

geturpopcrnrdE - 15 years ago

is there any new glitches for online play

bobskie5 - 16 years ago


PizzaBlade - 16 years ago

IT'S AWESOME it does have gore but that's why it's rated M. There is nothing wrong. I give 10/10

Undead Angel 00 - 16 years ago

This game is awesome! I love killing Locusts!

CompleteInsane - 16 years ago

Just picked up all the maps for this game. Note to self. Never play Gears of War for a long time then go back to Call of Duty... lol.

nWo Member69 - 16 years ago

this game makes me mad

El Gallinero14 - 16 years ago

pinche lloron lol