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Archived: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
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Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 11:59 am | #1
This is a great video for the alien archivist cheevo
i finished it this morning, helped a lot
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:10 pm | #2
Thanks for this, it should help.
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:11 pm | #3
Hey on Fallout 3 how do you level up past 20? Do I need to get the Broken Steel pack? I put the game in yesterday and it did an update by I never gained any experience points when I completed the next quest or killed anything
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:16 pm | #4
yes vanilla bear, you need to get the broken steel dlc, that's the only way to increase your level cap
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:19 pm | #5
Ok thanks Time! Will it still give me exp points if I havent finished the main quest yet, even if I download the Broken Steel pack?
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:19 pm | #6
of course, it does take forever to get to 30 without missions so be happy you didnt finish the main quest for all that xp
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:21 pm | #7
Lol. Then I guess I know what Im picking up on Thursday (Broken Steel)..This game is great but damn I lose 6 hrs of my day everytime I put it in..
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:22 pm | #8
haha i know, i dl'ed mothership zeta yesterday and couldnt stop playing until like 4am, i also called in sick for work today to finish it, which i already did, so now i have the day off!!!!!!
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:24 pm | #9
Re: Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:25 pm | #10
Quote by Vanilla Bear 72:
Now thats dedication!
lol, damn straight
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:27 pm | #11
Ok since I see you've played ALtered Beast (and I know off topic) Im having trouble getting to the 3rd level without dying and the online achievement. I had never played altered beast before the other day..any tips?
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:28 pm | #12
i need to get zeta, it sounds fun!
Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:29 pm | #13
umm, the parts i had problems with were getting the 3rd orb in the first level to become a beast, make sure you jump on those rocks before the wolves get there, and then, the 3rd orb on the second level is hard as shit too, just keep playing, everything happens at the same point so you should be able to get it fairly easily. also juniorMT suggested saving the game or something (glitch type a deal), and then it's really simple to get, you might want to message him if you dont want to spend 2 hours on it like i did 
as for the online cheeve all you have to do is have a friend join you for a second and you get it... if no one wants to do it, i'd be more than happy to do it with you, just send me a fr and the next time i'm on we can do it
Re: Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:32 pm | #14
Quote by XxTime:
umm, the parts i had problems with were getting the 3rd orb in the first level to become a beast, make sure you jump on those rocks before the wolves get there, and then, the 3rd orb on the second level is hard as shit too, just keep playing, everything happens at the same point so you should be able to get it fairly easily. also juniorMT suggested saving the game or something (glitch type a deal), and then it's really simple to get, you might want to message him if you dont want to spend 2 hours on it like i did :(
as for the online cheeve all you have to do is have a friend join you for a second and you get it... if no one wants to do it, i'd be more than happy to do it with you, just send me a fr and the next time i'm on we can do it
Cool. Thanks Time
Re: Re: Re: Fallout 3, Mothership Zeta
08/04/09 12:34 pm | #15
Quote by Vanilla Bear 72:
Quote by XxTime:
umm, the parts i had problems with were getting the 3rd orb in the first level to become a beast, make sure you jump on those rocks before the wolves get there, and then, the 3rd orb on the second level is hard as shit too, just keep playing, everything happens at the same point so you should be able to get it fairly easily. also juniorMT suggested saving the game or something (glitch type a deal), and then it's really simple to get, you might want to message him if you dont want to spend 2 hours on it like i did
as for the online cheeve all you have to do is have a friend join you for a second and you get it... if no one wants to do it, i'd be more than happy to do it with you, just send me a fr and the next time i'm on we can do it
Cool. Thanks Time
No problem, i hate having games that are uncompleted just bc someone wont help me with a mp cheeve that takes 2 seconds
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